Home News Safer Transportation with the Metropolitan Municipality

Safer Transportation with the Metropolitan Municipality

Denizli Metropolitan Municipality renewed 26,600 square meters of road markings as part of its efforts to ensure the safe flow of traffic, minimize accidents, provide guidance to drivers, and maintain complete road signage. The Metropolitan Municipality renews 250,000 square meters of road markings every year.
 26,600 square meters of road markings renewed
As part of its efforts to ensure the safe flow of traffic, minimize accidents, guide drivers, and maintain complete road markings, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality renewed 26,600 square meters of road markings. The Metropolitan Municipality renews 250,000 square meters of road markings every year.
Denizli Metropolitan Municipality is conducting road marking renewal work as part of its efforts to ensure the safe flow of traffic, minimize accidents, guide drivers, and maintain complete signage. In this context, the teams of the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Department worked to bring the city's main arteries in compliance with the Horizontal Signage Standards of Highways. The work, which covered a total area of 26,600 square meters, was completed on Menderes Boulevard, Ankara Boulevard, Fevzi Çakmak Boulevard, Acıpayam Boulevard, Üçgen Bridge Intersections, Ulus Street, and Ali Aygören Boulevard.
Our goal is 250,000 square meters.
Denizli Metropolitan Municipality conducts road marking renewal work with approximately 150 tons of paint annually, covering about 250,000 square meters throughout the city. Renewal work will continue to ensure safer travel for drivers, with road markings meeting international standards for long-lasting durability. These markings made by heat-resistant paints reflect light, thanks to the inclusion of glass beads sprinkled onto the surface, providing a glare feature for nighttime drivers.

+90 (258) 280 20 20     +90 (258) 280 29 99     denizli@denizli.bel.tr