Home News Cultural Meetings with the Metropolitan Municipality continue

Cultural Meetings with the Metropolitan Municipality continue

In the scope of Cultural Meetings with the Metropolitan Municipality activity, the actor, lawyer, and writer Bahadır Yenişehirlioğlu will meet with the people of Denizli on Saturday, November 25th, at 20.00, at the Metropolitan Municipality Nihat Zeybekci Congress and Culture Center.
 The actor, lawyer, and writer Yenişehirlioğlu will be in Denizli on November 25.
In the scope of Cultural Meetings with the Metropolitan Municipality activity, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality continues to host leading figures of Türkiye. As part of the Cultural Meetings with the Metropolitan Municipality program, Bahadır Yenişehirlioğlu, who drew attention with his portrayal of the character "Tahsin Pasha" in the series 'Payitaht Abdülhamid', an actor, lawyer, and writer, will meet with the people of Denizli on Saturday, November 25, 2023, at 20.00, at the Metropolitan Municipality Nihat Zeybekci Congress and Culture Center. Alongside many books such as 'Beyaz Usta Siyah Çırak', 'Kara Güneş', 'Tahta At', 'Hünkârım', and 'Antikacı', Bahadır Yenişehirlioğlu also appeared in the series 'Barbaroslar: Akdeniz'in Kılıcı' and 'Barbaros Hayreddin: Sultanın Fermanı'. He will answer the questions that are of interest. Denizli residents can attend the Cultural Meetings with the Metropolitan Municipality program for free.

+90 (258) 280 20 20     +90 (258) 280 29 99     denizli@denizli.bel.tr